Join our Art Movement: RevolutionArt #50!


Revolutionart 50 - how to participate in the next art calling


For the next edition we want you to create a POSTER for Revolutionart. Feel free to create anything and give us your best shot.

Create something that represent the best of your talent and the power of communicate a strong idea about a revolution made through art
Follow the guidelines:
Deadline : 15th of February, 2015

revolutionart 49 life - free art and design magazine

Revolutionart “LIFE” has been released. Get your FREE copy now!

The new and latest edition of the year.

revolutionart 49 life - free art and design magazine

Get you new edition of Revolutionart #49 (December 2014 – February 2015). Hundreds of beautiful and inspirational pages with worldwide collaborations. Motion graphics, documentaries, graphic design, models, CG art, and much much more.

Be part of the movement, share and order your printed copy now.

Go to the Download page at and enjoy!

calling for revolutionart 2014

Calling for international artists: Revolutionart #48 Mysteries or the World

calling for revolutionart 2014

At this point you should have the lastest edition of Revolutionart Magazine  “Honor & Glory” – The Epic Issue. If not, what are you waiting for?

Revolutionart 47 is full of graphics, music, photos, animation and designs from all around the world.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the next edition inspired on the biggest mysteries on earth and the greatest enigmas. Just feel the influence of the word “mystery” on your brain and you should start thinking on your next contribution for the magazine. Follow the guidelines, be featured and part of the history.

Dotmov 2014 calls for entries


Online magazine SHIFT presents DOTMOV Festival 2014 aiming to discover talented creators and provide them with an opportunity to show their works. Works submitted from all over the world will be screened throughout the world venues from November 2014 (screening schedule will be different depending on the venue). Last year’s total submission was 206 works from 18 countries. The tour schedule will be announced on this page.

In addition to the general category, this year we are calling for entries to the “SenSe V.A 03? MV category in collaboration with the third album of “SenSe V.A” series by Sapporo-based artists, which is to be released on June 20th 2014 by the label SenSe. SenSe is the Sapporo based label which introduces creatives such as music and art.

Cheap Street Poster Art Festival – 2nd edition in Italy


Cheap, the festival exclusively dedicated to street poster art, is now in its 2nd edition. The festival is scheduled to take place from May 1 to May 10 in the urban public spaces of four different neighborhoods in the city of Bologna, Italy. The core identity of the festival revolves around bringing artists’ creations into outlying areas and collaborating closely with local administrations and city residents; Cheap takes on the challenge of promoting urban renewal through creative efforts involving the use of paper, the central element of poster art.

Unlike last year’s edition, this year’s festival will focus exclusively on urban spaces and develop along two main lines: on one hand, it will host a series of site-specific interventions by Italian and international artists with extensive experience in the street poster art scene invited by the festival organizers; on the other hand, the festival is issuing an open call, which can be viewed at, targeting not only street artists but also illustrators, photographers and graphic artists with an invitation to engage with the paper medium and poster format.

1,050 square meters of paper and 112 liters of glue used, 125 artists selected through the 2013 Open Call for Artists: these figures from the first edition of Cheap illustrate the high level of participation by artists from numerous countries, both in and outside of Europe.

Just like the first edition, artists are welcome to participate in the 2014 edition individually or as part of a group, proposing from one to three projects. All work must be exclusively designed in black and white and can be created using various techniques: vector graphics, illustration and photography. Applicants are requested to send files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and maximum dimensions of 70×100 cm. All proposed artwork must be received by the Cheap organizers no later than midnight on April 10th, 2014.

Surreal City: Contemporary Art Group Exhibition


Exploring contemporary surrealism through urbanism; Surreal City focuses on pictorial representations of contemporary Asian cities. The exhibition creates a dialogue between two artists from diverse backgrounds working in different mediums, yet whose practices display similar characteristics of contemporary surrealism.


Liu and O’Connor continue in the artistic tradition of surrealism founded by the French poet Andre Breton and defined by artists such as Salvador Dali. Surrealism was a philosophical movement that found truth in the world through the subconscious and dreams rather than logical thought. The figurative compositions of the early surrealists were often difficult to read as they used illusion and random thought to try and make sense of a world disrupted by the horrors of World War I. The personal explorations of Liu and O’Connor are not unlike that of their European predecessors. For these present-day surrealists contextual surroundings are also rapidly changing but it is the effects of social and economic development, rather than war, that affects their daily lives.

Liu, who holds a MA in digital photography, imparts her own dreams and memories on real-life by overlaying colourful animals and flora on pictures of Beijing’s cityscape. The diverse urban environment provides her with a background with which to create her pictorial fantasylands. Liu’s images revolve around her personal memories of childhood and relationships. While some lean towards melancholy there is an underlined playfulness presented in her works.

Unconditional optimism is something that transcends itself in O’Connor’s imaginary city scenes. In a new series focused on the Asian mega centres Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo, he concentrates on ordinary citizens in fantastical situations. The city is an elaborate stage in O’Connor’s work, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the most common of people become super stars. He reinforces a sense of theatre and spectatorship in his works through descriptive details of ordinary people and everyday scenes but his use of colourful and cartoon-like visuals create a dream-like scene that is strange yet familiar.

The experience of a surreal society illustrated via the artworks of O’Connor and Liu arrive from the combination of visual realities of document photography subverted with personal expressions of reality altered by their digital capabilities. Featuring subjectivity and a rejection of normality; Surreal City presents scenes from the everyday, as we have never them seen before.





Exhibition Duration: November 2nd 2013 to December 31st 2013

Participating Artists: Liu Ren & Nial O’Connor

Venue: Art+ Shanghai Gallery


Art+ Shanghai Gallery

Embankment Building

G/F, 370-380 North Suzhou Rd

Tel : (21) 5608 6067

Tuesday to Sunday 11am to 7pm (Closed Monday)

Visible White Photo & Video Prize 2014


Open call for photographic & video works.

Visible White is an international call for photographic and video artworks curated by Paul Di Felice and Marinella Paderni.

The curators invite artists to reflect on the theme ‘You See Me. Personal Identities in the Digital Age’: which values does artistic portrait photography have today in the digital age of social networks in which everyone can become a ‘do-it-yourself’ portait photographer?

More about the theme:

3,000 € prizes in the categories ‘Best Project’ and ‘Best Single Work’.

Entries by 28 February 2014.

Entry fee is 20 € per single work uploaded directly online and 45 € per projects that can contain up to 10 photographs and/or videos .

By 30 March 2014, 20 finalists will be chosen by the selection panel which includes:

– Jim Casper, LensCulture, Paris, France

– Clare Grafik, Head of exhibitions at the Photographers Gallery, London, UK

– Hripsime Visser, Curator of Photography at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

– Bas Vroege, Director of Paradox, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Terms & Conditions

Exhibition of the 20 finalists artworks will be at the fsmgallery, Florence, Italy, and will run from 16 May to 16 June 2014.

Visible White is a collaboration between Celeste Network, Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Stedelijk Museum, Paradox, LensCulture and The Photographers’ Gallery.

More info:

[email protected]

Prague Quadrennial 2015

Prague Quadrennial 2015 will connect Music to Weather and Politics while laying down a brand new map for the city centre.



Not just once every four years but rather for four years. Not just  in one place but rather in several places in the centre of Prague. And with more emphasis given to
the performance space as shared between makers and audience, a number of new features will bring  the 2015 edition of Prague Quadrennial (PQ) of Performance Design and Space – the biggest  international gathering of stage designers and theatre professionals – closer to the city centre,  its visitors and residents. The PQ 2015 will take place June 18-28, 2015, with central themes of  Music Weather Politics.

The  PQ  2015  Commissioners  include  the  opera  director  Jirí  Herman  (Scenography and Music);  the acclaimed scenographer Simon Banham (Scenography and Weather); and the Brazilian scenographer  and curator Aby Cohen (Scenography and Politics).The PQ 2015 is expected to welcome more than 70  countries and over 5,000 participants – just as in 2011. The overall number of visitors is  estimated to be higher than 50,000.

Sodja Lotker, the artistic director of Prague Quadrennial, says, “In 2011, we focused on  interdisciplinary exploration of scenography with a particular emphasis on visual aspects and  connections to contemporary visual arts. The PQ 2015 aims to focus on invisible scenography;  scenography as a way of shaping space which in its turn affects the nature and perception of a  relationship between the place and its residents; and influences the way we perform and live in any  given place – using all the invisible aspects with any impact on scenography: natural; aesthetical;  and socio-ethical, which symbolize the themes for Countries and Regions – Music Weather Politics.”
As usual, the PQ 2015 is announced and organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic  and realized by the Arts and Theatre Institute. For more information, please go to

Download PARANORMAL–The latest edition of Revolutionart Magazine!

REVOLUTIONART Magazine is a free, bi-monthly international magazine delivered in pdf format as a collective sample of the best of the graphics arts, modeling, music, and world tendences. The latest edition PARANORMAL has been just released. In this edition, we will explore the inexplicable, phenomena that dwell in the subconscious, as if the nature of our collective memory has taught us that, deep within us, the paranormal does indeed exist.
Ghosts, poltergeists, ufo, sasquatch, nessie, xfiles, zombies … you name it, we’ve got it!

The next edition’s theme is “VINTAGE“. To participate in the magazine, follow the theme directions and send your best artworks to Revolutionart, with your complete requested information. The deadline for submitting works for “VINTAGE” issue is 15th of November, 2013. Visit  REVOLUTIONART Magazine front page for details