TIME: the April-March edition of Revolutionart

Revolutionart  41 - Time

This edition is a remaining about our limited existence,and a calling to the action. Enjoy every moment, live with passion, create and share!.

You can embed this poster using this url: http://i49.tinypic.com/e0mixu.jpg
And also you can order a colourful edition with 232 high resolution pages printed in fine glossy paper. Here’s the direct  link to do that:



e-book show

E Book Show

Following hot on the heels of C & D Book Shows in Brighton and Helsinki, the next edition in this series of open submission exhibitions – E Book Show – will be hosted in our city centre space, John Hansard Gallery Central.

e-book show

Running from 2 February – 2 March 2013, this will be the longest Photobook Show yet, and the first in electronic format. Visitors to the show will be able to explore a wide-ranging selection of some of the best new photobooks from across the UK and beyond, accompanied by a range of events including a film screening and workshop.

E Book Show is organised in partnership with Photobookshow and Southampton Solent University. For more details please visit www.photobookshow.co.uk, or see John Hansard Gallery’s website and their Off-Site Projects page.

Photobook Show is a Brighton-based arts organisation, set up in 2011 by William Sadowski and Kevin Beck to raise the profile of artist-led photobooks, with particular focus on self-published or hand-crafted works. It aims to hold several exhibitions a year, alongside talks and workshops, to promote the visibility of photobooks.

Revolutionart is open for advertisers

Present your talent to the international community of artists. Get high international exposure.

If you’re an artist  Consider Revolutionart Magazine instead wasting lot of money in a local exhibition with a few visitors. You can give your work the potential it deserves. An interview / profile in Revolutionart Magazine will reach thousands of readers and people interested on your work could go straight to your site. This is a good investment on your career.

If you ‘re a gallery, museum or festival, consider to reach our readers: art directors, curators, students, and professionals from different art roots. Revolutionart is read almost in every country on the planet by art collectors, brand lovers, trend followers. Advertise on Revolutionart means to present your ideas to a great community and remain ETERNALLY in editionas that will continue rolling around the world.


If you need more details on prices write us to  [email protected] 



Download Revolutionart Magazine 25 – Evolution


The new edition of Revolutionart Magazine has been published for the pleasure and inspiration of creative minds. This time the main theme goes around the EVOLUTION. Following steps of Darwin, artists and graphic designers propose imaginative graphics about the species on the planet.

Also you’ll find  musicians, models, photographers, and a selection of shorts and humor that make this edition, a collectable.

Download all free copies and promote the poster that accompanies this article in order to keep our free revolution.


Revolutionart 24 – Climate Change


The new issue of Revolutionart Magazine called artists from around the world to express their creativity on the events of recent years: hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and seismic disturbances that appear to be caused by climate change.

Over more than two hundred pages of color and creativity, a selection of art is shown along artworks, interviews, music, advertising, video and modeling.

First published in 2006 by Publicistas.org, Revolutionart Magazine has become a publication of cult with free distribution to inspire the blocked minds .

If this is your case or you have a creative leisure time, download the new copy available from May


The creation of a cover : Peter Belager


From Peter Belager:

"After working on the latest cover for Macworld Magazine I wanted to show what is involved in making a cover. I focused on the three main areas: the photography, photoshop and design. I chose a time lapse format to convey lots of information in a small amount of time. The only drawback of time lapse is that since half a day goes by in 30 seconds, the whole process seam so easy! Lots of details were left out of the design process (like the cover meetings and rounds of layout options). I began to photograph the design process after the layouts had already been narrowed down to just three cover designs.

On the technical side, for the time lapse video, I used the Canon 5D Mark II with a 24mm-70mm zoom. I chose the 5D because of its great image quality with high ISO’s. Canon’s sRAW1 gave me the flexibility of a RAW file with the file size of a jpeg. The actual Macworld cover was taken with a Phase One P65+ digital back attached to a 4×5 Sinar X camera with a 65mm lens.

Many thanks to Rob Schultz for allowing me to invade his office and literally shoot over his shoulder.

The music was used with permission by The Brokenmusicbox.