Deadline Extended: Join Revolutionart 49 – “LIFE”


You still can participate of the next wonderful edition of Revolutionart.

Follow the guidelines: and send your best jobs on photography, graphic design, modeling, and múltiple arts that fits in the next theme.

Revolutionart Started in 2005 and became one of the most popular independent magazines of the scene. Now with almost 10 years still is being distributed in several networks by their contributors.

Be part of our movement!

100 Painters of Tomorrow

100 painters of tomorrow

100 Painters of Tomorrow will be written by curator and gallerist Kurt Beers, and published in 2014 by Thames & Hudson. The book will feature texts with biographical information on each of the selected promising artists, illustrated with more than 300 colour images, and will be the comp rehensive and definitive guide to the most dynamic emerging painters of the future.

Submissions will be judged by an international jury featuring the painter Cecily Brown, curators Sir Norman Rosenthal, Yuko Hasegawa, Gregor Muir and Suzanne Cotter, and writer-critics Suzanne Hudson, Philip Tinari, Tony Godfrey, and Barry Schwabsky. In addition, the world’s leading art schools have been invited to participate, and the publication will be accompanied by a major painting exhibition at London’s Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Submissions to 100 Painters of Tomorrow are invited until March 15, 2013. This international call is open to any artist using paint as a primary medium, and is accessible now at:

Lapsus 2013 extends deadline


Organizers have decided with the curator of Lapsus, Marinella Paderni, to extend the deadline to 11 March, midnight Italian time.

Lapsus is an open call to artists which investigates in photography and video which role random accidents, a ‘fortunate’ error, a bizarre involuntariness or the failure of an idea, have in the success of a work of art.

Take a look at the variety of projects submitted so far:
Theme of Lapsus:

Last week to join A’ Design Award


Imagine your work showcased beside the best of the world. This is what A’ Design Award offers you. Categories include furniture, futurist design, vehicle and transport design, young design, lighting design, and more.

The A’ design award & competition seeks to showcase the best of design worldwide, across the range of services,products, and concepts. Prizes are awarded in forty categories during a gala night and exhibition at italy’s mood museum of design, bringing together designers, companies, and media professionals to collaborate on the advancement of quality design proposals.

Besides your award winning design being presented at the A’ Design Museum and Gallery in Italy, they also offers an unique ecosystem for designers to sell their winning ideas to sponsor companies. Likewise the companies can bid for the competing design ideas and make offers to buy the designs!

Register Now !!!

Nominations Deadline: 30th of September 2012
Winners will be announced on 1th of April 2013

More information at:


This is the Revolutionart’s favorite selection winners from the last edition:


1) Emok Mamoki by Renata Calka from A’ Design Award & Competition. Category: Toys


2) Life Style Design by Toko Sano: CAtegory: Lifestyle Design


3) Motorcycle by Athanasia Leivaditou. Category: Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design


4) Giulia Shelf Storage Shelf by Kevin Chu. Category: Arts, Crafts and Ready-Made Design

5) Black Haze Electric Guitar by Andres Lüer Solorza. Category: Digital and Electronic Devices Design

6) Sensei Transformable Chairs/Cofee Table by Claudio Sibille. Category: Furniture, Decorative Items and Homeware Design


7) Massimals Architectural Design Research Installation by Design Office Takebayashi Scroggin (d.o.t.s). Category:
Unexpected Design


8) Flyvolt G 208 Eletrically Powered Aircraft by Bruno Giardino. Category: Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design

9) Claire De Lune Chandelier Lighting by Claire Requa. Category: Lighting Products and Lighting Projects Design.

10) I+da Drug Store by Apotheka Mexico Grupo Apotheka. Category: Interior Space and Exhibition Design

Calling for Revolutionart 26

iNTERNET design

One of the most important inventions of the humanity.
Find out how access to information through Internet is
changing the way we think, the way we do things, our
communities and our civilization.
…a tool for democracy?
…a new weapon for crime?
…the liberation of culture?
…a social meeting point?
What is INTERNET for you?
Follow the guidelines and join Revolutionart 26:
Deadline : 15th August -  Send your work now!

Revolutionart 25 "Evolution" is online !
Go and get your free copy at

Support our art movement by posting our promotional poster wherever you want:

Present yourself and promote your works and thougths at the
Revolutionart Community.

Please click on this link and show us your support.

Arte Laguna Prize: space for young artists!



The Arte Laguna Prize organization has decided to organize a collective exhibition dedicated to the best Under 25 artists at the Palazzo Correr in Venice, better known as Romanian Institute, in March 2010 in conjunction with the exhibition of the finalists in the Artsenale.

Arte Laguna Prize, at the height of inscriptions which will end the 26th of November, presents an unusual and interesting news for all young artists who applied to the competition this year, a news that increases the already significant amount of prizes.

In fact, for this fourth edition, the collective exhibition of 90 finalists, that is going to be held from the 6th to 27th of March 2010 at the Venice Arsenale, alongside a second exhibition – dedicated exclusively to a selection of the best Under 25 – taking place in the prestigious Palazzo Correr in Venice.

The choice of giving a particular visibility to young artists, along with that to facilitate the entries with reduced fees for under 25 students of artistic High Schools, Fine Art Academies and similar faculties, it was willed by the competition organizers, that wish to make the Arte Laguna Prize an opportunity for promoting all the young artists that look out for the first time in the world of contemporary art.

To learn more visit >>>

Arte Laguna Art Prize, the future of contemporary art



Arte Laguna Art Prize is an important international competition – in its 4th edition – that is slightly changing the approach towards the contemporary art, giving an original look on the works of the young artists’ new generation, the "bigs" of tomorrow.

Since just a few days Studio Arte Laguna and the Cultural Association MoCA have officially opened the registrations to the 4th edition of the International Arte Laguna Art Prize, and the website dedicated to the prize – – has already signed a real registrations’ boom in the three sections: Painting, Sculpture and Photographic Art.

This contest is aimed to be a reference point among emerging and already affirmed artists by encouraging a confrontation of different styles and techniques. Second goal is to help talented artists in the promotion of their creativity, by giving them the possibility to exhibit their artworks in expositive setting of high quality and to receive the attentions of media.

The interest that this prize, authentically venetian but with an international resonance, succeeds to originate in the contemporary art’s world is incredible, and is attributable in the first place to the innovative formulation chosen by its founders, that let it be a really accessible competition to any category of artist – just think that in the past edition among other artists appeared a horse – but it’s deserved above all to the concrete Prize’s range: the possibility to gain not only a monetary acknowledgment, but the only opportunity for any artist to see his own works exposed in the collective exhibition dedicated to the Arte Laguna Art Prize, than will be carried out in the Venice Arsenale in March 2010, and more ahead in the exclusive circuit of national and international Art Galleries, that have been involved in this competition.

 trikiArte Laguna Art Prize is divided – like in the previous editions – in three sections: Painting, Sculpture and Photographic Art, each of which is presided from a quoted Italian critical and curator. This year Igor Zanti for Sculpture, Viviana Siviero for Painting, and Alexander Trabucco for Photographic Art, supported by Stefano Coletto, curator of the Fondazione Bevilaqua La Masa of Venezia, Lorenzo Respi, curator of the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro of Milano, and Rossella Bertolazzi, director of the European Institute of Design, will be engaged since the registrations’ closing (15th of November for the post registrations and 26th of November for the on-line registrations) in the selection of the 90 finalists – 30 for section – that will display their from the 6th to the 27th of March 2010 in the Venice Arsenale, after the official prize-giving event that will be carried out just in those immense spaces that during the last few years have watched the intense works of the greatest contemporary artists and architects.

Waiting for this date, Arte Laguna anticipates times for the conclusion of the Special Prize "Collezione Tenuta S. Anna – Business for Art", that offers the possibility to all the artists who registered with two works to the Painting Section, to participate for free also to this competition, with the topic: "Earth’s Colors". Registrations to this "wine" prize are opened until the 30th september 2009 for a very precise reason: the winner will receive not just a money prize of € 5.000,00, but above all the possibility to see its own works reproduced on the Tenuta S. Anna more prestigious wine labels, in limited edition and introduced in a very special occasion: Vinitaly 2010, the most important international wine exhibition.

For more information visit

