Download Revolutionart Magazine #43 IDENTITY
The latest edition of your cool magazine has been released.
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Editorial by Nelson Medina:
It is good to have you with us, reading this new edition of Revolutionart Magazine. Seven years have passed since the first edition came out, and every day more people join the readership of this great collective project.
And that leads to the question: Who are we? What is Revolutionart? The answer is quite simple: Revolutionart is a project that I launched in order to bring together artists and transmit messages and concepts that awaken something in others. The idea has always been to encourage reflection on creativity and art, and in that way inspire others.
We have touched upon many subjects and it may be that Revolutionart is approaching the end of a cycle. Seven years is a long time. Whatever the future holds, at the very least there will be transformations, changes, improvements that will renew the spirit of this publication in the short term. The creative flame will not be extinguished.
Revolutionart IDENTITY aims to provoke contemplation of those existential questions that can put us on the right path. By affirming our identity we can achieve greater self-understanding. Most importantly, by questioning our identity we define and reinforce our own values.
Welcome to a new edition of Revolutionart Magazine: IDENTITY