Photoshop CS2 for free from Adobe website?

It seems like Adobe is offering free versions of CS2. But ad they corrected on the blog:

You have heard wrong! Adobe is absolutely not providing free copies of CS2!

What is true is that Adobe is terminating the activation servers for CS2 and that for existing licensed users of CS2 who need to reinstall their software, copies of CS2 that don’t require activation but do require valid serial numbers are available. (Special serial numbers are provided on the page for each product download.)

Anyway, if you go to this page what you will find is the creative suite. If you have a digital creative streak but your budget doesn’t extend far enough to buy Adobe’s Creative Suite applications, this is for you.


Creative Week UK


Running from 9th – 13th July, Adobe‘s first Creative Week will be a celebration of the creativity in the UK, packed full of lively debates, creative challenges, exclusive demonstrations and inspirational case studies – all broadcast live online.

Each day’s events will involve luminaries from the creative world, Adobe evangelists and members of the creative community, including Rufus Deuchler, Jason Levine, Paul Trani and Julieanne Kost, with plenty more still to be announced.
For more details on the event and to sign up for updates, visit the Creative Week website.